off white tailored blazer

Regular price R$ 429,00
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The blazer is made of a blend of linen and cotton fabric, with an internal bias finish. The piece is not lined, so it's a lightweight choice for summer. The detail is on account of the front crossing, with buttons.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ P ㅤㅤ M ㅤ G ㅤ GG
BUSTOㅤㅤ88ㅤ 92ㅤㅤ98 ㅤ 100
CINTURAㅤ70 ㅤ 74ㅤㅤ80 ㅤㅤ86
QUADRIL ㅤ98 ㅤ102 ㅤ108 ㅤ 114

Marina Bitu joined Eccaplan to be part of the Neutral Freight project, which means that all deliveries will have their CO2 rate quantified and compensated through forest preservation projects such as the REDD+ Vale do Jari Project, contributing to a lower impact on the environment.

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